Pricing Details for GInI Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB)

Pricing Details for the GInI Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB)

We understand that you're eager to explore the wealth of knowledge within the GInI Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB), and we're here to provide you with the pricing details to assist you in making your decision.

Pricing Categories:

1. GInI Members:

  • Digital Version: GInI members can purchase the digital version of the AInMB at a cost of $300. This option allows you to access the book's content digitally, providing convenience and flexibility for your learning journey.
  • Print Version: GInI members can also opt for the print version of the AInMB, available at a price of $300. Please note that additional shipping fees may apply, depending on your location.

2. Non-Members:

  • Print Version: For individuals who are not GInI members, the print version of the AInMB is priced at $350. As with GInI members, shipping fees for the print version will depend on your location.
  • Dual Version: A dual version of the AInMB, which includes both the digital and print copies, is available for $375 for non-members. Shipping fees apply for the print copy.

3. Dual Version for GInI Members:

  • Dual Version: GInI members can enjoy a discounted rate of $325 for the dual version, which includes both the digital and print copies. Similar to non-members, shipping fees will be applicable for the print copy.

Shipping Fees:

  • Please keep in mind that if you opt for the print version, shipping fees will be added to the book's base price. The exact shipping fee is $49 regardless of the final destination.

Should you have any further questions or require additional information about the pricing or ordering process, our dedicated customer support team is readily available to assist you. 

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